Difference Between Nodejs & Angular
We can create nearly anything, including front-end and back-end services, by employing JavaScript, a buzzword in the world of web development.
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We can create nearly anything, including front-end and back-end services, by employing JavaScript, a buzzword in the world of web development. There are a few supporting libraries we must employ, such as ExpressJs to develop the Nodejs back-end, in order to create the complete stack application by merging both Angular and Nodejs. Practically speaking, there are no direct comparisons made between Angular and Nodejs because we use Angular for the front-end and Nodejs for the back-end. Nevertheless, there are a few distinctions between both that we should be aware of, and they are stated below.

What Are Nodejs & Angular?

While Nodejs is a runtime environment that enables us to directly load JavaScript applications into the server, Angular is a single-page application web framework built by Google to create an application for the web, mobile, and desktop. The important part is that both were created using JavaScript, making the program far more user-friendly and affordable.

Aspects to consider

To learn Nodejs, if you know and have previously worked with JavaScript, it will be sufficient to get started with Nodejs; however, to get started with Angular, we must first learn TypeScript because Angular is entirely written in it; therefore, if we have sufficient knowledge of TypeScript, we can get started with Angular fairly easily.

Application Type

We can use Nodejs to build a highly scalable and performance-based server-side system or network-based application, such as a chatting application. We may also use Angular to construct a single-page application with complex UI components.

Project Requirements

Nodejs is suitable for small and medium-sized applications where data is important, but Angular is suitable for highly interactive and rich UI component-based applications that offer the front-end to end-user customers.

Installation Requirements

To get started with Nodejs, we need to have nodejs setup installed on our machine, which can be any operating system such as Windows, Mac, or Linux. To get started with Angular, we require NPM (Node Package Manager), which is installed automatically when we install nodejs, as well as the newest version of the Angular CLI, which can be used to generate components, directives, classes, stylesheets, and so on.

Supported Frameworks

Because Angular is a framework, we only require Typescript to be installed via CLI and to use Nodejs, there are numerous frameworks available such as Expressjs, Koa.js, socket.io, sails.js, hapi.js, and so on.

Dependency Injection

Angular uses the concept of dependency injection to avoid external dependencies, whereas NodeJs does not support dependency injection.

Learning Curve

Both Nodejs and Angular have documentation, but the Angular documentation is more distributive in nature, whereas the Nodejs documentation may appear hard for a newcomer to get started. But don't worry, there's enough of study material available for both of them, and we can simply find advanced concepts with the help of Google.

In other words, learning is an ongoing process that requires us to stay current by utilizing the greatest available resources.

Open Source

Nowadays, the word "open source" is also gaining popularity, as more and more consumers prefer open source and well-managed products. Because Nodejs and Angular are open-source, we don't need to obtain a license or pay anything to use them.

Community Support

More and more developers desire to study Nodejs and Angular, thus as any developer or newcomer begins learning it, they may have queries about any problems, and there are numerous ways available to overcome such problems/errors. With the rate at which Nodejs and Angular are evolving, we will see more and better resolutions, thus I must say the community support is quite good. Node.js and Angular are both technologies for creating sophisticated web apps with JavaScript. However, because their architecture and operating mechanisms differ, the choice will be entirely dependent on the business requirements.

There are no direct differences between Angular and NodeJs because they are not identical, but they were built to suit different objectives, namely Angular for front-end apps and NodeJs for back-end applications.

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